605-729-2690   605-729-2690  bridgewatersd@unitelsd.com

Article 3 – District Regulations




Section 301. General.


The district regulations included in this Article may be qualified or supplemented by additional regulations appearing elsewhere in this ordinance.


Any use or uses not expressly permitted or allowed by conditional use in any district shall be prohibited.  Lot and year requirements for uses and structures permitted by conditional uses shall be brought before the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council.




Purpose:  The purpose of this district is to provide land area for agricultural and related non-urban uses.




A.  Agricultural activities, including truck gardens, tree farms, orchards, greenhouses, plant nurseries,   and keeping of livestock, except for commercial feedlots and sale barns;

B.   Single-family dwellings;

C.   Public parks and public recreation areas;

D.   Church cemeteries;

E.   Public buildings and utilities;

F.   Radio and television towers and transmitters, electrical substations and other similar utilities;

G.   Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses.




A.   Animal Kennels and Stables;

B.   Home Occupations.




A.    Minimum Lot Requirements:


For each permitted dwelling there shall be a lot area of not less than one (1) acre. There shall be no lot area regulations for other permitted uses.


B.    Minimum Yard Requirements:


Distances shall be measured form the property line.


Permitted uses and structures shall have a minimum front year of twenty-five (25) feet, minimum side yards of seven (7) feet, and a minimum rear yard of twenty-five (25) feet.


C.    Maximum Height of Structures:


No height regulations shall be required for agricultural buildings and structures, except for the required setbacks from lot lines shall be a distance equal to or greater than the height of the building or structure.  The maximum height of all other permitted uses including dwelling units, shall not exceed two and one-half stories or thirty (30) feet in height.




Purpose: The purpose of this district is to provide locations for residential areas with restrictions intended to preserve and protect incompatible uses and facilities.




A.   Single-family dwellings;

B.   Two-family dwellings;

C.   Multiple-family dwellings;

D.   Public parks and public playgrounds;

E.   Public and parochial school;

F.   Churches;

G.   Libraries, museums and historical monuments or structures;

H.   Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses.




A.   Rooming or boardinghouses;

B.   Medical and dental clinics;

C.   Mobile home parks and subdivisions;

D.   Funeral homes;

E.   Private club or lodge, private recreation areas except when the primary activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a business;

F.   Public buildings and utilities erected or established by any government agency;

G.   Hospitals, nursing, rest or convalescent homes, and group day-care except criminal, mental or animal hospitals;

H.   Nursery, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, play, special and other private schools;

I.    Agricultural activities excluding the keeping of livestock;

J.   Home occupations;

K.   Outdoor storage, including automobile parking lots, equipment and garages except for junkyards

L.   Utilities – Cable TV tower, electrical substations.




A.   Minimum Lot Requirements:


1.      Single-family dwelling: not less than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet.  The    minimum lot width shall be seventy-five (75) feet.


2.      Two-family dwelling:  not less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet. The minimum lot width shall be seventy-five (75) feet.


3.      Multiple dwelling:  not less than three thousand (3,000) square feet lot area per individual dwelling unit.  The minimum lot width shall be seventy-five (75) feet.


B.   Minimum Yard Requirements:


Distances shall be measured from the property line.


Permitted uses and structures shall have a minimum front yard of twenty-five (25) feet, minimum side yards of seven (7) feet, and a minimum rear yard of ten (10) feet except no principal structure shall be erected within twenty (20) feet of the alley centerline.


C.   Maximum Lot Coverage:

The maximum lot coverage for all buildings and structures shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the total lot area.


D.   Maximum Height of Structures:


The maximum height of all buildings and structures shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet.




Purpose:  The purpose of this district is to provide area for those establishments serving the general business needs of the community.




A.   Retail and wholesale sales establishments;

B.   Finance, insurance and real estate services;

C.   Business services, including automobile repair; reupholstery and furniture repair; contract construction; laundering; dry cleaning and dyeing; beauty and barber services; apparel repair, alteration, and cleaning pickup; shoe repair; automobile washing; electrical repair; radio and television repair; watch, clock, and jewelry repair;

D.   Professional, educational and governmental services;

E.   Churches, synagogues, and temples, welfare and charitable services; business associations, professional membership organizations; labor unions and similar organizations; civic, social and fraternal organizations;

F.   Eating and drinking places;

G.   Communication and utility uses;

H.   Public buildings and grounds;

I.    Hotels and motels;

J.   Commercial printing;

K.   Libraries, museums; art galleries; historic and monument sites; motion picture theaters, gymnasiums and athletic clubs, roller skating and bowling alleys;

L.   Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses.

M.   R-1 permitted uses.




A.   Farm products warehousing and storage, excluding stockyards;

B.   Refrigerated warehousing;

C.   Packing plant or food lockers, provided, that any slaughtering, killing, skinning, or plucking be done indoors;

D.   Household goods warehousing and storage;

E.   General warehousing and storage;

F.   Bus garages and equipment maintenance;

G.   Motor freight terminals, garaging, and equipment maintenance;

H.   Veterinary services, animal hospital or kennel;

I.    Residential uses;

J.   Plant nursery and greenhouse;

K.   Automobile service and repair stations;

L.   Any conditional use permitted in the R-1 District.




A.   Minimum Lot and Yard Requirements:


Distances shall be measured from the property line.


There shall be no minimum lot or yard requirements in the C-1 District, provided, however, that all uses also permitted in the R-1 District shall conform to the lot requirements of the R-1 District.  Where a commercial use adjoins a residential use a ten foot (10’) side and twenty foot (20’) rear yard may be required on the commercial use in addition to an opaque fence located along the adjoining property line.


B.   Maximum Lot Coverage


There shall be no restrictions on lot coverage in the C-1 District, provided, however, that all uses permitted also in the R-1 District shall not exceed the maximum lot coverage of the R-1 District.


C.   Maximum Height of Structures:


The maximum height of all buildings and structures shall not exceed forty-five (45) feet provided, however, that the Board of Adjustment may permit exceptions to height and limitations of structures normally exceeding such limitations.




Purpose:  The purpose of this district is to provide space for certain commercial and a wide rage of industrial uses and structures.




A.   Any conditional use permitted in the C-1 District, provided, however, that there shall be no residential uses on the premises;

B.   Carting, express and hauling establishments;

C.   Bulk storage of petroleum, ammonia or other hazardous products;

D.   Utilities;

E.   Feed elevators;

F.   Other activities and manufacturing plants having performance characteristics similar to those listed above except for uses which are injurious or offensive to occupants of adjacent premises




A.   Minimum Lot Requirements:

There shall be no minimum lot requirements in the I-1 District.


B.   Minimum Yard Requirements


Distances shall be measured from the property line.


Permitted uses and structures shall have a minimum front yard of twenty-five (25) feet, minimum side yard of ten 10) feet , and a minimum rear yard of twenty-five (25) feet.


C.   Maximum Lot Coverage:


There shall be no restrictions on lot coverage in the I-1 District.


D.   Maximum Height of Structures:


The maximum height of all buildings and structures shall not exceed forty-five (45) feet provided, however, that the Board of Adjustment may permit exceptions to height and limitations of structures normally exceeding such limitations.