605-729-2690   605-729-2690  bridgewatersd@unitelsd.com

Title 12 – City Ordinances – General Provisions


Chapter 12.01 – Penalties and Repealing Clause


12.0101 Penalty in General. Except in cases where a different or additional penalty is imposed by this
ordinance or by some existing provision of law, every violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance
shall be punishable by a Class 2 Misdemeanor.

12.0102 State Law Violations – Bond Schedule. For all state code violations committed within the city of
Bridgewater, municipal law enforcement shall apply the fine and bond schedule promulgated by the First
Judicial Circuit, State of South Dakota, in effect on the date of any such state code violation.

12.0103 Municipal Ordinance Violations – Bond Schedule. This following schedule of fines for a violation
of Bridgewater municipal ordinances is hereby established:

City Code  – Description – Fine
Miscellaneous Provision
3.0112 – Open Burning – First offense: Warning – Second offense is a misdemeanor: $50.00
3.0115 – Allowing animal to defecate on property other than his or her own – $25.00
3.0204 – Garbage collector using equipment which allows leakage or spilling; trash, garbage, rubbish or waste dropped or spilled – $50.00
4.0301 – 4.0306 – Violation of Alcoholic beverages ordinances – $100.00
5.0101 – Remaining in city park or public building after closing – $50.00
5.0102 – Indecency – Court Apt
5.0103 – Roller skates and Skateboards in the Business District – $25.00
5.0104 – Excessive Noise: Radios, Television Sets, Musical Instruments – $25.00
5.0202 – Animals Running at Large – 1st Offense $25.00 – 2nd Offense $50.00 –  3rd Offense or more $100.00
5.0203 – Obstructing in Capture – $50.00
5.0204 – No Shots on Dog/Cat – $25.00
5.0205 – Animal Placed for Observation – $100.00
5.0206 – Vicious, Dangerous Animals – Disposal
5.0207 – Disturbance of peace by Animal – $30.00
5.0208 – Cruelty to Animals – $100.00
5.0209 – Poisoning Animals – $50.00
5.0210 – Keeping Stray Animals – $25.00
5.0211 – Failure to License Dogs and Cats – $25.00
5.0301 – Fireworks violation – $50.00
5.0302 – Discharging weapon within the city limits. – $80.00
5.0401 – Curfew Violation (Detention) – $50.00
5.0403 – Parent or guardian permitting curfew violation – $50.00
6.0212 – Depositing material on public place – $50.00
6.0301 – Failure to remove snow – $25.00
7.0107 – Failure to Obey Traffic Control Devices – $50.00
7.0301 – Parking in streets following Snowfall – $25.00
7.0305 – Parking in Prohibited Designated Places – $50.00
7.0306 – Improper manner of parking in Designated Places – $25.00
7.0307 – Illegal Diagonal Parking – $25.00
7.0308 – Parking in No Parking Areas – $50.00
7.0309 – Parking/Storing Vehicles without current license plates – $75.00
7.04 – Size, Weight and Load Violation (Added 3/28/12 Ordinance 2012-3) $200.00
7.0403 Failure to use truck route (Deleted 3/28/12 Ordinance 2012-3) $25.00
7.0405 Improper truck parking (Deleted 3/28/12 Ordinance 2012-3) $50.00
7.0406 Truck parking in public alley (Deleted 3/28/12 Ordinance 2012-3) $75.00
7.0502 – Operating snowmobile for other than Ingress and Egress – $25.00
7.0503 – Operation of snowmobile on private property without permission – $80.00
7.0504 – Operation of snowmobile on public property – $80.00
7.0505 – Improper street crossing – $50.00
7.0507 – Operating snowmobile in careless, reckless or negligent manner – $100.00
7.0508 – Operating snowmobile – loud noise – $50.00
7.0510 – Equipment violations – $50.00
7.0511 – Unattended snowmobile – $25.00
7.0512 – Towing behind a snowmobile – $75.00
8.0109 – Unlawful water use; tampering with curb cock – $100.00
8.0204  – Unauthorized connection to public sewer – $150.00
8.0209 – Breaking, damaging. . .sewage works (per violation) – $200.00
11.0106 – Failing or refusing to make sales tax report – $200.00

12.0103 Conflicting Ordinances Repealed. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, or relating to the subject matter of this ordinance and not re-enacted as part of this ordinance, are hereby repealed; provided however, that nothing herein shall be construed as repealing any special ordinances, appropriation ordinances, levying ordinances for the issuance of bonds, or other special ordinances of like character, nor shall this ordinance repeal or modify the provisions of any ordinance heretofore adopted by the City unless provisions of this ordinance in effect, either modify, repeal or amend such ordinances.

12.0104 Unconstitutionality. Should any Section, Sub-section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby.

12.0105 Publication and Effect. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication of the notice of such adoption as provided by SDCL 9-19-17.