605-729-2690   605-729-2690  bridgewatersd@unitelsd.com

January 9, 2023 Agenda



232 N Main Ave – Council Room at 7pm

Monday – January 9, 2023 

7:00   Call to Order & Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance
Any appointments for Mayor
Approval of Minutes of December 6th regular meeting
Financial Statement
Bills of the Month
Maintenance Report
7:20 Public Input (Reminder that no action can be taken on any item until next meeting unless it is posted on the agenda)
*Storm Sewer:   DGR Engineering here

  • CDBG grant award – Sophie Johnson (SECOG) here to discuss the following:
    • Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
    • Fair Housing Resolution 23-0109D
    • Code of Conduct
    • Operation, Maintenance and Repair Statement
    • Relocation, Displacement and Acquisition Planning Policy
    • Excessive Force Policy
    • Certification Regarding Restrictions on Lobbying
      • Motion to pass Resolution 23-0109B – Resolution giving approval to certain sewer facilities improvements; giving approval to the issuance and sale of a revenue bond to finance, directly or indirectly, the improvements to the facilities; approving the form of the loan agreement and the revenue bond and pledging project revenues and collateral to secure the payment of the revenue bond; and creating special funds and accounts for the administration of funds for operation of the system and retirement of the revenue bond and providing for a segregated special charge or surcharge for the payment of the bonds.
        • Motion to pass Resolution 23-0109C – A resolution segregating the surcharge for improvements to the City of Bridgewater wastewater system, for payment of a revenue borrower bond and yearly review of rate.

*Streets & Alleys:
*Water & Sewer:
*Health & Landfill:
*Government Buildings/Municipal Liquor Store:
*Law Enforcement:

  • December Report

*Parks & Recreation:
Sophie Johnson (SECOG) – Land Water Conservation Fund grant

*Code Enforcement:

  • Complaints received

*Planning & Zoning:

  • Building permits – None

Set April 11th as Election date
Seats up this year: 2 yr – Mayor, Ward I, II & III (1yr & 2yr) Council seats (Holthaus, Vondra, Hofer & Burger)
Designate The Special as Official Newspaper for 2023
Designate Rivers Edge Bank as Official Depository for 2023
Bridgewater Development – monthly donation continuation
2023 City Attorney Agreement
Motion to pass Resolution #23-0109A – 2023 Salary list


Next Meeting is February 6th                                

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