605-729-2690   605-729-2690  bridgewatersd@unitelsd.com

Sept 9, 2019 Agenda



232 N Main Ave – Council Meeting Room 7pm

September 9, 2019 

7:00      Call to Order & Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Liesinger Resignation

Approval of Minutes of August 5th regular meeting  

Financial Statement

  • 1st Reading of Supplemental Appropriations Ordinance A-107
  • Motion to approve Resolution 19-0909C (Transfer Liquor Fund from Proprietary to Governmental Fund)

Bills of the Month

Motion to approve Resolution 19-0909 – Interest Rate for Assessments

Maintenance Report

7:10  Public Assessment Roll Hearing & Approval of Resolution 19-0909A & 19-0909B

7:15  Public Hearing for Nuisance Abatements (Unpaid Mowing bills)

           Motion to approve & submit to county for assessment

7:20  Public Hearing for Proposed Resolution of Necessity – Curb & Gutter Assessments

           Motion to pass Resolutions of Necessity – #19-0909C

7:25 Public Input (Reminder that no action can be taken on any item until next meeting unless it is posted on the agenda)

*Streets & Alleys:

  • Truck Parking Ordinance – changes??

*Water & Sewer:

  • Water meter project progress
  • motion to pass   Change order #3

*Storm Sewer Project:

  • DGR update
  • Signing the CDBG Agreements

*Health & Landfill:

*Government Buildings/Municipal Liquor Store:

  • Motion to allow The North 40 Bar & Grill to use video lottery license
  • Sparky’s drink chips


  • Permission to go to SD EMS Assoc State Conference in Aberdeen  Nov 1st – 3rd     
  • Write-offs


*Law Enforcement:

  • August Law Enforcement report

*Parks & Recreation:

*Code Enforcement:

  • Nuisance updates
  • Complaints

*Planning & Zoning:

  • Building permits – Hugo Garcia, Diane Austin

2nd Reading of 2020 Appropriations Budget & motion to approve 2020 Appropriations Ord A-106

Upcoming Events:

  • SD State Auction in Sturgis – Sept 13th


Next Meeting is October 7

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