605-729-2690   605-729-2690  bridgewatersd@unitelsd.com

June 10, 2019 Agenda



232 N Main Ave – Council Meeting Room 7pm

June 10, 2019 

7:00      Call to Order & Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Minutes of May 6th regular meeting

Financial Statement

Bills of the Month

7:05    Public Hearing – 1) Bridgewater Zoning Regulations amendment – Article 3, Section 303. R-1 Residential District Conditional uses      1st Reading of Ordinance 2019-1

2) Bridgewater Zoning Regulations amendment – Article 4, Section 413. R-1     Home Occupations     1st Reading of Ordinance 2019-2

Approval of Renewals of Malt Beverage Licenses for Potter Tire & Service and Bridgewater Cafe

Maintenance Report

  • Motion to hire Jerico Shape a temporary part-time summer maintenance help

7:20 Public Input (Reminder that no action can be taken on any item until next meeting unless it is posted on the agenda)

*Streets & Alleys:

  • Storm Sewer Project Update
  • Truck Parking Ordinance

*Water & Sewer:

  • Water meter project progress
  • Application for Payment #4 & motion to pass

*Health & Landfill:

*Government Buildings/Municipal Liquor Store:

  • Resolution 19-0610 Amending Video Surveillance Policy – motion to approve



*Law Enforcement:

  • May Law Enforcement report

*Parks & Recreation:

*Code Enforcement:

  • Nuisance complaints

*Planning & Zoning:

  • Building permit – Lorraine Erickson, Brad Hofer, Sean Luke, Robert Stahl

Executive Session for City owned Liquor Store pricing strategies (SDCL 1-25-2.5)


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