605-729-2690   605-729-2690  bridgewatersd@unitelsd.com

July 9, 2018 Meeting Agenda



232 N Main Ave – Council Meeting Room 7pm

July 9, 2018 

7:00      Call to Order & Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Sutton Resignation

Approval of Minutes of June 11th regular meeting.

2nd reading of Supplemental Budget Ord #A-103 & motion to approve

Bills of the Month

Maintenance Report

7:30 Public Input (Reminder that no action can be taken on any item until next meeting unless it is posted on the agenda)

*Streets & Alleys:

  • 4th & Juniper street project

*Notes from Preconstruction meeting

*Motion for Mayor to sign Community Access Grant

*Water & Sewer:

  • Water Project & Premier info
  • Vondra Jewelry sewer line

*Health & Landfill:

  • 1st Reading of Ordinance 2018-1 – Yard Waste Disposal Site
  • Dump mowing

*Government Buildings/Municipal Liquor Store:

  • Add Rhonda Vargas, Jaqueline Luikens, Melissa Klockman as part time bartender
  • Letter of Intent to lease bar
  • Bar door repairs from 5/7/18 attempted break-in – new info
  • Surplus the old keg cooler


  • Still in need of EMT’s


*Law Enforcement:

  • June Law Enforcement report

*Parks & Recreation:

  • Any ash trees in parks??
  • Bleachers at ball park
  • City Park bathroom – any more info
  • Playground equipment to purchase with grant money – any more info

*Code Enforcement:

*Planning & Zoning:

  • Building Permits: Steven Svancara & Wildcat Inn

Community Service Projects – getting the public involved
City Social Media Info
Executive Session for Employee Reviews & Negotiations (SDCL 1-25-2.4) – if needed
Executive Session with legal counsel or reviewing communications from legal counsel about proposed or pending litigation or contractual matters (SDCL 1-25-2.3)
Next Meeting is August 6
Copy to Print: July 9, 2018 Agenda