605-729-2690   605-729-2690  bridgewatersd@unitelsd.com

May 8, 2017 Agenda




232 N Main Ave – Council Meeting Room 7pm

May 8, 2017 

7:00      Call to Order & Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Minutes of April 10th regular meeting & April 13th & 24th special meetings

Financial Statement

Bills of the Month

Old Business

  • 7:15 Attorney Fink here on Nuisance – Jeanette Ross
  • Motion for Water Project payment #2
  • Resignation from Ashley Sinkie
  • “Letters of Interest” for Bar employee

Motion to Adjourn Old Council

Oaths of council members

Appoint FO, Maintenance Supt. – Resolution 17-0508A

City Attorney Agreement – Resolution 17-0508B

Electing New Council Officers (President & Vice-President)

Appointing Committees for 2017-2018

Maintenance Report

Public Input (Reminder that no action can be taken on any item until next meeting unless it is posted on the agenda)

*Streets & Alleys:

  • Juniper street project – Vern here

*Water & Sewer:

  • Main Street Water Project – Vern Arens will be here
  • Broken sewer lines with project – Bender’s bills?
  • Annual Drinking Water Report for City is done & published on website

*Health & Landfill:

  • Letter from USDA on dumpground

*Government Buildings/Municipal Liquor Store:

  • Bar lessee ad??



*Law Enforcement:

  • Monthly report for April

*Parks & Recreation:

  • Quote to install new doors at city park bathrooms
  • 4th of July fireworks?

*Code Enforcement:

  • nuisances

*Planning & Zoning:

  • Building Permits: Zach Guenthner, Dallas Furgeson, Joe Heiberger, Bridgewater-Emery School
  • Sandi Tschetter resignation from Planning & Zoning Board

Employee Health Ins

Motion to sign the Letter of Commitment as a Participating Jurisdiction in the McCook Co Multi-Hazard Pre-Disaster     Mitigation Plan 2017 Update

FO School  June 7-9 in Pierre – Motion to allow FO to attend

Executive Session for Employee Reviews & Negotiations (SDCL 1-25-2.4) – if needed for bar employee

Auditors will be here the week of June 26th


Next Meeting is June 5