605-729-2690   605-729-2690  bridgewatersd@unitelsd.com

Sept 8, 2021 Agenda



232 N Main Ave – Council Room at 7pm

Wednesday, September 8, 2021 

7:00   Call to Order & Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Minutes of August 9th regular meeting

Financial Statement

Bills of the Month

Maintenance Report

  • Seed Mill sewer line

7:15  Public Hearing for Fire Dept beer/liquor temp permit for Fireman’s Ball @ Legion Hall

7:15 Assessment Roll Hearing – Resolution 21-0908

7:25 Public Input (Reminder that no action can be taken on any item until next meeting unless it is posted on the agenda)

*Storm Sewer Project:

  • Motion to approve Change Order #3
  • Motion to approve Application #8 Pay Request
  • Motion to sign Reimbursement Request #8 for SRF loan
  • Motion to sign Payment Request #8 for CDBG
  • Signature for Davis-Bacon Act Certification & Certificate of Substantial Completion
  • Discuss future project taking advantage of the American Rescue Plan Act funding

*Streets & Alleys:

*Water & Sewer:

*Health & Landfill:

  • Inspection report

*Government Buildings/Municipal Liquor Store:



  • Donation for Fireman’s FireBall

*Law Enforcement:

  • July Report & No Monthly report for August (computer problems)

*Parks & Recreation:

  • Park bathroom

*Code Enforcement:

  • Complaints received

*Planning & Zoning:

  • Building permits – Linda Richards
  • Drainage Permit Acceptance form for Donna Glanzer

DANR inspection report of Yard Waste Compost Facility (Dump)

2nd Reading of 2022 Budget Ordinance & passage of 2022 Appropriation Ordinance A-113

Auditor findings for 2019 & 2020 audit


Next Meeting is October 11   

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